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Isla de la Juventud
Universidad de La Habana.
Sitio web de la Universidad de La Habana con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 15361]
Instituto Internacional de Periodismo
International Institute of Journalism "José Martí". To contribute for improvement of Cuban and Latinamerican journalists.
[Clicks: 10374]
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas
Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas. Información sobre la vida universitaria, horarios, facultades que la integran, dependencias universitarias y mucha más información de gran utilidad para estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 7543]
Alma Mater. Digital Magazine of the Cuban University Students.
A Magazine for University Students of Cuba and the World.
[Clicks: 7245]
Havana Estomatology Faculty.
Los contenidos que se encuentran en este sitio web, están dirigidos fundamentalmente a profesionales de la estomatología. Historia, docencia,trabajo, investigaciones y publicaciones del centro.
[Clicks: 7114]
Universidad de Matanzas.
Universidad de Matanzas "Camilo Cienfuegos". Sitio web con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 7028]
Arts Superior Institute, Cuba
Website of the University of the Arts of Cuba. News and information from the Institute, faculties, departments, Festivals, Publications, Courses, and many other topics of interest.
[Clicks: 6947]
Universidad de Cienfuegos.
Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafel Rodríguez". Sitio web con información de utilidad a estudiantes y profesores.
[Clicks: 6430]
Higher Institute of International Relations.
Cuban Institute for International Relationship. Studies and Specialized Events about political, economical and social processes around the world.
[Clicks: 6429]
Aula Virtual de Salud.Classroom of the Virtual University of Health.
Classroom of the Virtual University of Health. Possibilities of study and the last news.
[Clicks: 6366]
Biology Faculty, Havana University.
Very useful Information for professors and students of the Center. Call to the events that in are made as well as all the activities that take place of investigativo and educational character.
[Clicks: 6275]
Ciego de Ávila University.
Informative Website for professors and students. Events and much more
[Clicks: 6259]
Research Center of Ozone in Cuba
Informative website of Research Center of Ozone in Cuba. News about courses, events and new products developed in the Center.
[Clicks: 6213]
TINOMTZ - Provincial Portal of the Youth Club in the Matanzas province
On this website you can find information about the Youth Club, its mission, vision, and experience in working with youth in the province. Also includes news and details of the services offered. The website contains other sub-sites, one for each of the Youth Clubs province wide.
[Clicks: 6140]
Julio Trigo Medical Sciences Faculty
Youngest of the the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana faculties, located in Arrollo Naranjo municipality.
[Clicks: 6099]
Universidad Virtual de Salud de Cuba
Virtual academic institution, clinical interconsultations and discussions with aims educational. Active and participativos methods of learning are used and a tutorial organization of support.
[Clicks: 6094]
Faculty of Medical Sciences¨"Commander Manuel Fajardo"
This faculty pertaining to the University of Havana is one of the older Medical Schools of Cuba. General information of performance of the center.
[Clicks: 6056]
Finanzas al Día
"Finanzas al Día" Electronic publication
[Clicks: 5803]
Training Center of Recognition of Patterns and Data Mining.
Investigations made by the center and its members, publications, thesis defended and a description of the activities oft the center.
[Clicks: 5783]
Online courses
This website offers e-learning services using the new technologies. Virtual university a project for remote education.
[Clicks: 5750]
Cuba Education Tours Study Abroad.
Study abroad tours to Cuba for Canadian and US students and teachers. Ethical, green, safe travel for learning and life.
[Clicks: 5563]
Isla de la Juventud Computers and Electronics Young Club website.
This website has info on Computers and Electronics Young Clubs in La Isla de la Juventud, provincial news, links, and a Photo Gallery. The website also serves as access gate to the institution intranet.
[Clicks: 5548]
Mesa de trabajo. Facultad de Periodismo Universidad de La Habana
Mesa de trabajo, digital magazine of the Journalism Department of Communication Faculty. University of Havana. Cuba.
[Clicks: 5541]
Revista de Humanidades Médicas.
The magazine Medical Humanities is the scientific publication of the Center for the Development of Social and Humanistic Sciences in Health CENDECSA.
[Clicks: 5510]
Revista 16 de Abril.
Revista de los estudiantes de Ciencias Médicas de Cuba que publica artículos originales. Información sobre las jornadas científicas y las actividades que realizan las instituciones de estudio de las ciencias médicas.
[Clicks: 5498]
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