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Cuba Absolutely Magazine. Havana Guide. Events & Festivals. Arts & culture, Travel & tourism information
Official website of Cuba Absolutely Magazine, the best magazine about Cuba. Complete Information about events, art and culture, travel and more.
[Clicks: 32689]
Servicios Global S.A. Travel Agency to Cuba
Tourist journeys to Cuba, for groups and individuals. Rent a Car Cuba. Lodging in Cuba hotels in all tourist poles: Havana, Varadero, Trinidad, Cayo Largo,Cayo coco, Guardalavaca, etc. Flexi drive, Vip services, international and domestic airflight tickets.
[Clicks: 13583]
Group of free technologies users, Cuba
News, reviews, articles, events reviews, forum, wiki, all related to free software, GNU, and Linux in particular. Help and support for users and programmers. Virtual library, software downloads, repositories, guides and more.
[Clicks: 8569]
Bienvenidos Cuba 2006
Monthly magazine with news on cultural and entertainment activities in Cuba.
[Clicks: 7380]
Congresses, Events, conferences, festivals and meetings in Cuba
Congresses, Events, conferences, meetings and festivals in Cuba. Organized by theme. Online Accreditation and logding in cuba hotels.
[Clicks: 6893]
Excelencias Travel
Travel agency specialized in Cuba destiny and the Caribbean. It offers services of: Vacations, Flights, Hotels, Fairs and events, Health Programs, Rent a cars, among others.
[Clicks: 6729]
FITCUBA, International Meeting of Tourism
FitCuba official website, the most important event in the Cuban tourist industry.
[Clicks: 5963]
Encuentro Internacional de Rehabilitación de la Cara y Prótesis Buco-Máxilo-Facial.
Convocatoria al evento dirigido a especialistas en: oftalmología, estomatología, prótesis, cirujanos máxilo-faciales, cirujanos plásticos, neurocirujanos, psicólogos y laboratoristas dentales.
[Clicks: 5786]
HAVANA-REDOX International Event
Hosted by the Pharmacy & Food Sciences College of Havana's University and the Cuban Society of Pharmacology. All researchers in the field of free radical / antioxidants in Medicine and Biology are cordially invited to participate in HAVANA-REDOX 2009 . This international meeting will be held in Ciudad de La Habana .
[Clicks: 5757]
Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica
Convocatoria para la Sexta Jornada Internacional de Infectología Pediátrica. Donde se debaten temas de actualidad en esa especialidad, teniendo en cuenta que las enfermedades infecciosas son el principal azote de los niños en cualquier latitud.
[Clicks: 5745]
Seminario Internacional de APS.
IX International Seminaryof Primary Attention of Health, celebrated from 6 to 10 of March, 2006 in the Palace of Conventions. Program of the seminary and works displayed.
[Clicks: 5643]
Welcome to the Tip's Travel website
Wholesale touroperator to Cuba.
[Clicks: 5637]
Inteligencia Empresarial y Gestión del Conocimiento de la Empresa.
Information it completes on the Factory the International on Intelligence Enterprise and Management of the Knowledge of the Company, with annual celebration in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5489]
Arte Digital.
Call to the International Digital Art Exhibit and Colloquium. Memories of the past editions.
[Clicks: 5479]
Camagüey Rentals
Lodging Camaguey Cuba, affordable private rooms for rent in downtown. Free Online Reservations, B & B, photos and information on this colonial city.
[Clicks: 5418]
Bottom of Promotion to the Audio-visual one of Central America and Cuba. Projects, collaborator, news and links of interest.
[Clicks: 5320]
Varadero Festival 2008
Varadero Music Festival from the 11 to the 15 of June of the 2008. Supported by the Ministries of Culture and Tourism, the Cuban Institute of Music. Conferences, parades fashionable, concerts of jazz, sauce, trova, rumba, folk music and more contemporary rates will take place.
[Clicks: 5258]
I Congreso Internacional de Genética Comunitaria.
El Centro Nacional de Genética Médica invita a participar en el I Congreso Internacional de Genética Comunitaria, a realizarse en el Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana, Cuba, del 8 al 12 de Mayo del 2006. Su principal objetivo es promover el intercambio científico entre los profesionales de la Genética Médica cubana y del extranjero.
[Clicks: 5025]
Cultural Center Pablo de la Torriente Brau.
Cultural program of the center, publications and events. Interesting links.
[Clicks: 4975]
Chemistry Havana
This is the Cuban Chemical Society Website to promote the Iberoamerican Congress on Chemistry, Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering. Informations on event Topics, General and Scientific Programs, Organizer Committe, Speakers, etc. It is possible to register and hotel booking for the event.
[Clicks: 4773]
First Digital Speleological Photography Contest.
This site presents the results of the first Speleological Photo Contest. Find event’s details, the awards, photos and more informations.
[Clicks: 4722]
3er. Encuentro Internacional sobre enfermedades visuales y neuromusculares.
Celebrated in Havana city from the 1 to the 5 of February of 2006. This event was co- organized by the World-wide Federation of Neurology and the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of Cuba.
[Clicks: 4618]
Cuba Events
Find in this site next events to be held in Cuba. This site belongs to Tropical Paradise Travel. You can make your reservation to participate in any of those events.
[Clicks: 4154]
CICTA HABANA - International Conference on Food Science and Technology 11th Edition.
Website devoted to CICTA with Event Agenda. Online hotel booking and accreditation. Pre and post congress workshops. Info on other events auspiced by CICTA. Most important subjects, work submittal, organizing committee, and many more data on the event.
[Clicks: 4129]
Benny More Popular Music Internacional Festival
Website devoted to the World Famous popular Music Festival Benny More which takes place at the Cienfuegos province. Get info on Programme, Organizing Committee, Calls, and everything related to the event. Learn about news, symposia, and event activities. Read on “El Barbaro del Ritmo” life and work (The Rhythm Barbaro as Benny is known), watch videos, browse photos, and much more
[Clicks: 4087]
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