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Links on this Category
There are currently 21 items.
Pinar del Rio
Villa Clara
Sancti Spiritus
Ciego de Avila
Las Tunas
Stgo de Cuba
Isla de la Juventud
Blog on the Cuban way - A lo Cubano
Blog of the journalist and graphic designer Jorge García Sosa. Find information on Santa Clara province events, and interesting facts, opinions, historical and cultural facts. Read about customs and traditions of this province that lies at the heart of Cuba.
[Clicks: 10301]
Islamia. Cuba por siempre
Blog of Cuban journalist Norelys Moraes Aguilera. Opinions about Cuban subjects actuality and more...
[Clicks: 7244]
Isla al Sur.
Blog of the MSc. Iraida Calzadilla Rodriguez, journalist and professor of the Communication Faculty of the University of Havana and the Internacional Institute of Journalism Jose Martí.
[Clicks: 6802]
Blog of the journalist Dayana Linz.
[Clicks: 6435]
Pasaje Deportivo.
Blog of Rafael Rofes Pérez, journalist, narrator and sport commentator. Articles about sport occurring of the country.
[Clicks: 6233]
Blog of the journalist Zenia Regalado.
Compilation of the news by Zenia Regalado journalist of the province Pinar del Río.
[Clicks: 6057]
Cuban Blogs Club
Cuban Blogs Club is a weblogs journalists directory and Cuban press photographers.
[Clicks: 6051]
Matahambre: weblog of Ramon Brizuela Roque.
A piece of Pinar del Río in the world.
[Clicks: 5850]
Verbo Ardiente: la bitácora de David.
Blog of cuban journalist Ramón Brizuela.
[Clicks: 5687]
MayaWeb blog from Guines
Site edited by Andy Duardo Martin with information on Mayabeque History, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology among others. References to Guines Press, History, as well as places of interest. Cuban recipes. Digital version of the Journal of the Guines Municipality University Campus
[Clicks: 5549]
Mesa de trabajo. Facultad de Periodismo Universidad de La Habana
Mesa de trabajo, digital magazine of the Journalism Department of Communication Faculty. University of Havana. Cuba.
[Clicks: 5541]
Blog of cuban journalist Adalys Pilar Rodríguez Mireles.
[Clicks: 5493]
Blog of the journalist Ronald Suárez Ramos and his wife and son, also journalists.
[Clicks: 5080]
Here you will find the most important news every week in Cuba with the opinion of two young journalists of the island.
[Clicks: 5018]
Brush-strokes of everyday
This blog has reviews and articles related to events at Bayamo Cuba. Luis Morales Blanco editor and reporter for The Demajagua newspaper in Granma province, is the author of this blog.
[Clicks: 4755]
Periodismo letra a letra.
Blog of Mairim Silva Rodriguez, student of Social Communication and Assistance in Juventud Rebelde paper. Here they are published my works like journalist.
[Clicks: 4558]
Cámara en mano.
Blog of the Cuban photographer and journalist Juvenal Balán, a space to reflect on the present subjects of our society.
[Clicks: 4398]
Blog about the political subjects of Cuba and the world from within and outside the country.
[Clicks: 4356]
Blog of Zenia Regalado, Cuban journalist, professor in the University Hermanos Saíz of Pinar del Río. Opinions, reflections and commentaries.
[Clicks: 3925]
Calle Cuba.
Blog of young cuban journalist Leslie where she reflects on the present subjects of social occurring of the city and Cuba.
[Clicks: 3830]
Noticias Cubanas
Links to cuba news from several online sources.
[Clicks: 3694]
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