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Infomed. Cuban Health Portal
Infomed, Cuban Health Telematics Network. Offers updated medical information from Cuba and Worldwide. This portal brings together all Cuban health websites achieving a wide network embracing all health realted specialties, as research, teaching and medical practices among other themes.
[Clicks: 80666]
SciELO Cuba.
Scientific electronic library online. SciELO Cuba is the electronic virtual library of Cuban medical journals. SciELO provides access to its serials collection via an alphabetic list of titles or a subject index or a search by word of serial titles, publisher names, city of publication and subject.
[Clicks: 12610]
Marlin - Nautica and Marina - Cuba Fishing
Website to organize trip and events related with the fishing sports, nautical activities. References about Cuba places related with fishing and nautical activities in general
[Clicks: 11755]
Digital Juventud Tecnica
Popular scientific and technical magazine for Cuban Youth. Website presents the usual sections of the print edition, including news and reviews on subjects such as Information Technology, Science, Agriculture, Communications, Science Fiction, Practical Ideas and more.
[Clicks: 8043]
Cuban National Aquarium
Cuban National Aquarium website. It is a scientific centre focused on research, environmental education, and the promotion of the sea and marine environment, marine flora, sea life and ecology. Main goals are widen the knowledge and education on care, conservation and rational use of marine and shore resources.
[Clicks: 7448]
Caonao, Servicios Telemáticos
Information Technologies and Telematic Services. The first and main internet supplier in Cuba.
[Clicks: 7333]
Instituto de Meteorología de la República de Cuba
Instituto de Meteorología de Cuba (Cuban Meteorology Institute) website. Forecasts, tropical storms alerts, Cuban weather information. Climate data, Datos climáticos, hurricane trajectories, updated satellite images, drought, agriculture meteorology, etc.
[Clicks: 6922]
Congresses, Events, conferences, festivals and meetings in Cuba
Congresses, Events, conferences, meetings and festivals in Cuba. Organized by theme. Online Accreditation and logding in cuba hotels.
[Clicks: 6893]
Third National Convention of the Cuban Society of Bio-Energetic and Naturalist Medicine.
Bionat 2006, august 16th to 20th. Towards a Cuban perspective of the Traditional and Natural Medicine- Bio energetic and Naturalist. Medicine in Primary Assistance and Prevention in Conditions of Disasters. Call to the convention.
[Clicks: 6569]
Cuban company that develops, produces and commercializes medical equipment. Description and requirements of the equipment that produces.
[Clicks: 6481]
Cuban Ministry of Computer Science and Communications (MIC)
Governing organism of computer science and the communications in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6462]
Cedisap. La Informática al servicio de la salud.
Computer science solutions for health sector. Development Management Systems for hospitals.
[Clicks: 6393]
Centro Nacional de Retinosis Pigmentaria.
Sitio dedicado a la Retinitis Pigmentosa en Cuba. Perteneciente al Centro Internacional Oftalmológico "Camilo Cienfuegos". Incluye temas relacionados con el Programa Nacional de la Retinitis Pigmentosa en Cuba y el Manejo del Paciente a través de la Técnica Quirúrgica.
[Clicks: 6214]
Research Center of Ozone in Cuba
Informative website of Research Center of Ozone in Cuba. News about courses, events and new products developed in the Center.
[Clicks: 6213]
GET, Grupo de Electrónica para el Turismo, Cuba
GET: Enterprise dedicated to Web Development. Informatic Services oriented to the sphere of Tourism in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6199]
Bioplants Center. Ciego de Ávila province
The Bioplant Center develops, applies and offers technologies, products, technical assistance, and academy services of superior quality in the field of plant biotechnology.
[Clicks: 6184]
Cybernetics Center assigned to Medicine (CECAM).
Research, Services and Educational issues at this important institution linked with Medicine in Cuba.
[Clicks: 6152]
TINOMTZ - Provincial Portal of the Youth Club in the Matanzas province
On this website you can find information about the Youth Club, its mission, vision, and experience in working with youth in the province. Also includes news and details of the services offered. The website contains other sub-sites, one for each of the Youth Clubs province wide.
[Clicks: 6140]
Julio Trigo Medical Sciences Faculty
Youngest of the the Superior Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana faculties, located in Arrollo Naranjo municipality.
[Clicks: 6099]
Redcien. Red Cubana de la Ciencia.
Ofrece contenidos y servicios de información científica. Directorio de organizaciones relacionadas con la ciencia y la técnica.
[Clicks: 6011]
El portal de Camagüey, Cuba.
A portal of " Los Tinajones" province, Camagüey. Its also a directory of 12 categories and links to diferent provinces of Cuba and scientific information on it.
[Clicks: 5844]
Training Center of Recognition of Patterns and Data Mining.
Investigations made by the center and its members, publications, thesis defended and a description of the activities oft the center.
[Clicks: 5783]
Normas Cubanas Online.
En este sitio usted podrá consultar todas las normas cubanas mediante un buscador, así como descargar aquellas que sean de su interés. Acceso a la publicación d elos boletines de Normas Cubanas Online.
[Clicks: 5772]
HAVANA-REDOX International Event
Hosted by the Pharmacy & Food Sciences College of Havana's University and the Cuban Society of Pharmacology. All researchers in the field of free radical / antioxidants in Medicine and Biology are cordially invited to participate in HAVANA-REDOX 2009 . This international meeting will be held in Ciudad de La Habana .
[Clicks: 5757]
Online courses
This website offers e-learning services using the new technologies. Virtual university a project for remote education.
[Clicks: 5750]
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