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Facebook - Cuba Fishing
Facebook - Fishing in Cuba - Photos, News, information about Cuba Fisheries, Events, places of interest. Sport Fishing
[Clicks: 17021]
Marlin - Nautica and Marina - Cuba Fishing
Website to organize trip and events related with the fishing sports, nautical activities. References about Cuba places related with fishing and nautical activities in general
[Clicks: 11755]
El Duque de Cuba
Un official website of Orlando Hernández, el Duque, a relevant cuban baseball player.
[Clicks: 11115]
Havana Times
Havana Times is presents open-minded writing from Cuba. It covers cultural, sports events and issues in the news.
[Clicks: 8252]
Cuban National Aquarium
Cuban National Aquarium website. It is a scientific centre focused on research, environmental education, and the promotion of the sea and marine environment, marine flora, sea life and ecology. Main goals are widen the knowledge and education on care, conservation and rational use of marine and shore resources.
[Clicks: 7448]
Bienvenidos Cuba 2006
Monthly magazine with news on cultural and entertainment activities in Cuba.
[Clicks: 7380]
Strike Zone - A website on Baseball
This is a website fully dedicated to baseball, especially Cuban one. Here you may find news on current events as well as discussions and comments on this sport in Cuba.
[Clicks: 7219]
Life, Love and Sport.
Blog of Julio Duarte Alonso sports commentator, worker of Radio Guamá in Pinar del Río.
[Clicks: 7158]
COCO Béisbol.
Sitio del béisbol cubano. Estadísticas de las series nacionales, información de los jugadores y noticias.
[Clicks: 7060]
Havana Night Life.
Guide to Havana's unique & exciting cabarets, live music venues , salsa clubs, nightclubs, bars, cinemas, theatres, cafes, restaurants and other evening entertainment.
[Clicks: 6912]
Cuba to You
Tourist Portal of Cuba. General Info about Cuba.
[Clicks: 6783]
Todo Deportes.
Blog of the journalist Luis Montesino González of Pinar del Río province .
[Clicks: 6286]
Pasaje Deportivo.
Blog of Rafael Rofes Pérez, journalist, narrator and sport commentator. Articles about sport occurring of the country.
[Clicks: 6233]
Cuba a sport power.
Blog on the development of the sport in Cuba and the main competitions.
[Clicks: 6114]
DeporteCubano Blog. All about Cuban Sport.
Blog on the Cuban sport and the main competitions. News, and Details about the Sport in Cuba
[Clicks: 6112]
Cuba Infodeportivas - Facebook
InfoDeportivas - Facebook Page, edited by José Raúl Castillo Arguelles.
[Clicks: 6045]
Cuban Baseball.
This blog is dedicated to Baseball game, Cuban National Sport. In this website you can found informations, opinions, considerations, etc.
[Clicks: 5977]
Cuban Baseball
A Tribute to Cuban Baseball. A great number of Cubans played on baseball Teams in the Professional, Semi-pro, Amateur and Sugar Mill Leagues in Cuba...
[Clicks: 5866]
Habana Café.
Located in the prestigious Meliá Cohiba hotel, the Habana Café invites you to enjoy an unforgettable night . History of the place, programming, prices, and all their services.
[Clicks: 5734]
Amigos de Fangio, Vintage Cars Club in Havana, Cuba
Official Web site of Amigos de Fangio Club, rallying point in Havana, Cuba, of all the lovers of the cars and classic motorcycles, without distinction of clubs.
[Clicks: 5703]
The present news on sport Events in Cuba.
[Clicks: 5616]
Isla de la Juventud Computers and Electronics Young Club website.
This website has info on Computers and Electronics Young Clubs in La Isla de la Juventud, provincial news, links, and a Photo Gallery. The website also serves as access gate to the institution intranet.
[Clicks: 5548]
Instituto Cubano de Deportes, Educación Física y Recreación.
Programas y actividades del centro a nivel nacional. Experiencia deportiva, calendario de eventos, noticias y mucho más.
[Clicks: 5484]
Bar & Restaurant Floridita
Everything about Floridita Restaurant in Havana, Cuba. Daiquirí motherland. History, personalities, offers.
[Clicks: 5262]
Cuban National Circus
On this site you can find extensive information on the Cuban Circus Company - Circuba. Find information on Events, Presentations, Circus Festivals, and about their history, plus many photos showing the activities of the Cuban circus.
[Clicks: 5079]
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